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Disable No Right Click Scripts

There are quite a few people under the mistaken belief
that a no right click script will protect their page
content. A no right click script does nothing of the
sort but it may interfere with your navigation of their
site in those browsers where it does anything at all.
Rather than just giving up on their site though you can
instead just turn that script off.

The easiest way to disable no right click scripts is
for you to right click on the following link and save
it to your favorites/bookmarks.

Enable Right Click

When you reach a page that disables the context menu in
your browser simply select this option from your
favorites/bookmarks menu and whatever method that they
have used to disable right clicking will itself be
disabled and you will once more be able to access the
navigation options in the context (right click) menu.

NOTE that this bookmarklet is provided to re-enable a
menu that is legitimately used by some web visitors for
web navigation. Despite the fact that "No Right
Click" scripts serve no useful purpose, you should
NOT use this bookmarklet to perform functions that the
web page owner was misguidedly attempting to block.